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missions team

"not to be served, but to serve..."


Missions Team Members



Andrew Wynn MD

In 2009, Andrew experienced an everlasting love that changed his life forever. This new reality transformed his pursuit of medicine from one motivated by prestige and a paycheck to one that recognizes those aspirations not only fade away but leave their pursuers painfully void. Instead, the satisfaction he has found in being called a child of God has motivated his medical studies and continually pushes him to find the best way to serve others experiencing sickness in body, mind, and spirit. Andrew has built relationships with community leaders in California, Mexico, Vietnam, and the Philippines, through ministries to both the passing body and the persisting spirit. Some of his strongest passions in the field have been providing dental hygiene education directly to communities and equipping medical students with medical device training programs to better serve their future patients. His long-term goal is to provide medical education to local healthcare providers who improve the continuity of care in their own communities. It is Andrew’s desire to promote opportunities for giving and for life-long partnership, that build up the afflicted both in the U.S. and internationally so that all might experience the joy we were made for.

Personal Interests

• Swimming, Surfing, Piano&Guitar Worship, Homeless Ministry
• Medical Education, Learning Spanish & Mandarin
• Spending time serving and relaxing with family




Deborah Wynn MD

When Deborah was 3 years old, she expressed to her parents a desire to send nutritious food to the people in the Serbian-Bosnian conflict after witnessing them eating rotten apples on television. Her desire to be both aware of and responsible for defending the rights of those without a voice persisted with time. In high school, she learned so much about the more important things in life and leadership from the close friends made while serving as high school chapter president of Best Buddies, a group that connects students from both special and general education classes. She later helped found a local food distribution in central Escondido, which has grown through the last nine years to feed hundreds of low-income families each Saturday. Over the years, God has gifted her with fluency in Spanish, Mandarin, and medicine, as well as with a heart full of passion for understanding and connecting the peoples of many nations. She believes that God has given everyone something special to share with those around them. She believes that God has given everyone something special to give, whether they appear to have little or much. This is part of what she believes makes human interaction beautiful, as God reveals Himself to men through the giving of oneself up for another.


Personal Interests

• Reading, writing, running, dancing, drawing, and cooking/baking
• Resting with her husband, and spending precious moments with extended family
• Teaching children’s ministry wherever she goes





Fred Bien-Aime MD

Internal Medicine Specialist


Personal Interests




Mark & Ericka Riola MDs

Family and Pediatrics Specialists

Personal Interests




Michelle Santiago

Missions Coordinator

Personal Interests

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many.
— Matthew 20:28 ESV